Title: Unsolved Decapitation Murders of Houston.
Dates: 1997
Overview: Someones trophy room is not filled with deer heads
Status: Cold Case.
Houston Head Hunter
Residents of Houston, Texas, are accustomed to reports of violent death, but nothing in their past experience prepared them for the string of crimes that dominated headlines in the latter part of 1979. Between the last week of July and the first week of October, four lives were extinguished by a killer who seemed bent on claiming human heads as trophies of the hunt. Despite sensational publicity surrounding the attacks, the case remains unsolved as of today.
The first slaying occurred in southwest Houston, with a female victim beheaded in her own apartment on July 27, 1979. Investigators had not found her head by August 10, when yet another victim was discovered, spared complete decapitation when her killer was disturbed and frightened from the scene.
Five blocks away from the last murder site, residents of the neighborhood adjoining Freed Park were roused from sleep by screams and gunshots in the late-night hours of October 3, 1979. Police responded to the call but found no evidence of any crime in progress. Daylight on October 4 would lead them to the body of 16 year old Jean Huffman, shot to death and dumped beside a picnic table with her jeans unzipped. Nearby, her boyfriend’s car was found abandoned on a used car lot, the headless body of its owner, 18 year old Robert Spangenberger, locked inside the trunk.
No trace of either missing head has yet to be found. The killers motive and identity remains unknown.
Be sure to check out your friends spare rooms!